
man and boy with a seaside background

The Legacy Continues

I arrived at his house in McMinnville around 10pm. It was filled with people, the vast majority of which I did not know. Overwhelmed and anxious, I looked for, and finally found, Pascal and his mom, Bozena.

The Circles of Our Community

Dear Friends,  It was a much more productive week as we continue to navigate through these times. My key takeaway and the reason for the Circle of Community theme is that getting through this is all about our relationships–with you, our wonderful supporters, our trade partners in restaurants and retailers though out the US and beyond,…

Snow, Smells and More National Press

Snow, Smells and More National Press

Dear Friends, I didn’t intend for my snowy picture of Yellowstone to be a sign of the week to come in Oregon. I made the long drive up here last Monday. Tuesday morning, Heather and I walked the hill. 5 hours later there was snow falling. By mid afternoon, I encouraged the team to go…

The Importance of Perspective

Dear Friends, I hope this finds you all healthy and safe. We were able to reopen outdoors this week. Oregon has come up with a formula-driven classification system applied to each county that determines how businesses can operate. At this time, most counties, including ours, is in the “extreme” risk category. The primary measure to…

Let's Celebrate Dad!

Let’s Celebrate Dad!

Dear Friends, Thank you all for your responses last week. I am happy to report that many of our team completed the course developed by Starbucks and Arizona State University on To Be Welcoming Note, this course is complimentary so if you have a business or other groups that you want to share it…

A Century Farm

A Century Farm

Dear Friends, It was a fun but busy week. I had many meetings with the team. I ate my way through the February menu. Chef Norma and our Director of Marketing, Jillian, crafted a new Valentine’s drink for you. I met with our next two Beyond Brooks partners and spent special time with Dick Crannell,…

Let’s Do Better

Dear Friends, My daily mantra is “head down, work hard and worry about what you can control.” Often, there are instances that arise that pull me out of that mode and teach me what I don’t know. The most recent prompt for action came from this email last week. This quote is so fitting for…

Party Crashers!

Dear Friends: Time seems to be going faster and faster as we are all starting to reopen. Please error on the side of caution. The safer we are, the more successful we will all be. Brooks will be opening up by reservation only on June 1. A separate email will go out to share the…

Food. Joy. Disco. The 3 Ps of Pinot!

Food. Joy. Disco. The 3 Ps of Pinot!

Dear Friends, It has been another fabulous week at Brooks! Everything ran smoothly as we brought 90 tons in the door this week. That is approximately 5,800 cases worth of wine. Winemaker Chris has set the mood in the white fermentation room with a disco ball and Abba. He pressed the first Pinot Noir for…

The Sum is Greater Than Its Parts

Dear Friends, I hope this finds you safe and healthy. Some of you may be in states where reopening has begun. I hope this is going well. Happy Mother’s Day I am very blessed to be a mother of two wonderful children, Emily, 22 and Ryan,18. And I am not being boastful by saying “blessed”.…

Auto Draft

A Life Lesson Turned Tradition

Dear Friends, I hope this finds you safe, healthy and hopeful! For the past 15 years, this Sunday, the Sunday of the International Pinot Noir Celebration, would find me and hundreds of others exhausted after the 3 day celebration. Exhausted, in a good way. It is a true celebration of the love of Pinot Noir,…