
A Silver Lining

Dear Friends, As we navigate through this current time, hopefully we are finding silver linings. They help to bring us hope and to find good during difficult times. Hopefully you are already finding some.  I know i am! For those of you that don’t know Pascal, I want to introduce you to a silver lining from…

Father's Day Is a Red Letter Day

Father’s Day Is a Red Letter Day

Dear Friends, It has been a fun week at the winery. I have seen a lot of people from my childhood/high school years. I am so appreciative of their support of Brooks and it brings back SO many fond memories. We had our first summer concert last night. It was a little chilly but so…

Auto Draft

A Life Lesson Turned Tradition

Dear Friends, I hope this finds you safe, healthy and hopeful! For the past 15 years, this Sunday, the Sunday of the International Pinot Noir Celebration, would find me and hundreds of others exhausted after the 3 day celebration. Exhausted, in a good way. It is a true celebration of the love of Pinot Noir,…

Four H's and Triplets: Meet The People with Great Impact On My Life

Four H’s and Triplets: Meet The People with Great Impact On My Life

Dear Friends, I sure am fortunate to live in two beautiful places that are epic for the sunrises and sunsets. I experienced both of the above photos this week. I had a wonderful six weeks in Oregon and am now back at home in California. It was a busy but wonderful final week at the…

Three men standing in front of green hills

The Day Jimi Passed Away

Confusion, emotion, disbelief, and panic set in.  I was in California.  I needed to get to Oregon. The next hours, days and weeks that went by were blurry to say the least.

Food. Joy. Disco. The 3 Ps of Pinot!

Food. Joy. Disco. The 3 Ps of Pinot!

Dear Friends, It has been another fabulous week at Brooks! Everything ran smoothly as we brought 90 tons in the door this week. That is approximately 5,800 cases worth of wine. Winemaker Chris has set the mood in the white fermentation room with a disco ball and Abba. He pressed the first Pinot Noir for…


Dear Friends, I hope this finds you all healthy and safe. Looking back at last week when I wrote my email, I was still feeling like the rug had been pulled out from under me. My focus was narrow and it was on the business and our team. A week has gone by and I…

Food. Glorious Food.

Food. Glorious Food.

Dear Friends, I hope this finds you well and enjoying the holiday weekend. Thank you to all of you who have been sharing your “Aha moments” of Riesling with me. Please keep them coming. The gifts will be sent no matter when you share them! I am excited for all of you who purchased the Riesling…

Celebrate The Season!

Celebrate The Season!

Dear Friends, What a couple of busy weeks in Oregon! It has been so great to spend time with our team and guests. Time is flying. Almost every day that I am here I “walk the hill”. The winery is perched 750 feet up in the Eola Hills. Walking the hill is a 2 mile…

Of Pressing Importance

Of Pressing Importance

Dear Friends, I hope you have had an excellent week. Thank you to all for the birthday wishes. I spent the day eating out for lunch and dinner with my husband and daughter. During COVID, I cannot remember the last time I ate two meals out in one day. It was nice to spend that…

Celebrate National Drinking With Chickens Day!

Celebrate National Drinking With Chickens Day!

Dear Friends, Another fun, but busy, week here in Amity. Last year, when we were able to reopen after COVID shutdowns, we expanded our wine and food service to our area nicknamed “the lemonshade”. The shaded roof has cutouts that are shaped like lemons, hence how it got its name. Our winemaker, Chris, built amazing…