
The Holidays Are Here

The Holidays Are Here

Dear Friends, I hope this finds you all healthy, safe, and enjoying the holiday season. I love this point in the holidays. We are almost out of time to shop for anything that needs to be shipped. My menu for the week is done as well as the grocery list. One more trip to the…

He Was Going to Work Harvest with Jimi...

He Was Going to Work Harvest with Jimi…

Dear Friends, Happy Memorial Day weekend! I hope it is relaxing and the weather, wherever you are, is feeling like summer. It is a beautiful weekend here in Oregon. It is also a very busy weekend. Historically, Memorial Day weekend is one of the busiest wine tasting weekends in the Willamette Valley. Last year, it…

A Silver Lining

Dear Friends, As we navigate through this current time, hopefully we are finding silver linings. They help to bring us hope and to find good during difficult times. Hopefully you are already finding some.  I know i am! For those of you that don’t know Pascal, I want to introduce you to a silver lining from…

Birthdays, Honors and Escapes

Birthdays, Honors and Escapes

Dear Friends, Good morning from Cambria, CA. January 17th is a special day for our family. My husband, David, and my son, Ryan, share the same birthday! They will be surprised when they get up to see that the Streamer Fairy, who puts streamers on the door of the bedroom, has found her way to…

Auto Draft

💕 For the Love of Dad! 💕

Dear Friends, Happy Father’s Day to all! I hope everyone is safe, healthy and celebrating your dad or celebrating being a dad or grandfather or all of the above! In honor of fathers at Brooks, I want to share a great story with you about our Estate Vineyard, some thoughts about dads from our team…

The Seasons Are Changing and so Are the Wines!

The Seasons Are Changing and so Are the Wines!

Dear Friends, The rain has begun in Amity which is greatly welcomed since all the fruit in the door and after the dry winter, spring and summer seasons we had. This is a time of year where the production team looks towards rest and the hospitality team is gearing up for a busy holiday season…

The Misunderstood Wine, Paul Grieco and My Challenge To You!

A Movie and a Scintillating Wine

Dear Friends, I hope that you have had a good week and everyone remains healthy and safe. The movie trailer, above, is a special telling of the Brooks story and other winery owners and their journey into the wine world. About half the film is the story of Brooks with so many of Jimi’s friends,…

Clones Matter and Last Call

Clones Matter and Last Call

Dear Friends, Happy Halloween! I have so many memories with the kids on this day. I still remind my daughter when she was two years old and dressed up as Snow White. She convinced me to dress up as Grumpy in the full Disney suit.  She clearly had me (well, still does) wrapped around her finger!…

When You Think It Is a Girl but It Is a Boy

When You Think It Is a Girl but It Is a Boy

Dear Friends, It has been another fun and busy week in Amity. We had another few days above 100 degrees, a tiny bit of rain, and forecasts moving all over the place. As you can see above though, the days often ended with beautiful sunsets.  I had a couple of fun Brooks team outings this…

Couple celebrating at Brooks Wine

Love and Holidays Are in the Air

Dear Friends, I hope this finds you all healthy and safe. It was a very busy week with lots of meetings with the team. A highlight for sure was the Harvest Dinner Friday night. So proud of the execution of the event by the team as well as Chef Norma’s amazing food! Yesteday, I was…