
Bumble Bees, Name Those Chicks and the Old Salts

Bumble Bees, Name Those Chicks and the Old Salts

Dear Friends, I hope you have had a good week. As always, it was busy for me and busy at the winery. We are getting very close to the final lineup for Beyond Brooks 2021/2022 and are thrilled with the new partners we have lined up! I was introduced by a Wine Club Member to…

Meet the JBs and Hear About Vintage 2021

Meet the JBs and Hear About Vintage 2021

Wine Club members from Oklahoma and friends. Nice to meet them in person after so many Zoom Wine Club happy hours! And I LOVE they are coming back two more times before they leave town!

The Most Popular Gifts and Last Day for Ground Shipping!

The Most Popular Gifts and Last Day for Ground Shipping!

Dear Friends, It is nice to be home after two weeks of travel especially knowing I am home through Christmas. The weather around the country has been intense. My thoughts go out to everyone who was impacted by the recent tornados. The northwest has had a lot of rain and wind. It is currently moving…

A Stable Base

A Stable Base

Dear Friends, As we all have experienced, COVID has upset businesses and lives across the world. Brooks was greatly impacted too, but thanks to your support of buying wine and visiting us, we have pulled through to take 2021 head-on. One of the greatest lessons I learned last year was how fragile revenue sources can…

Tuna and Temperance

Tuna and Temperance

Dear Friends, I hope you have had a great week and enjoying a relaxing summer. I hope too you are staying safe from COVID. The weather is bringing lots of challenges to farming and our hospitality. It is supposed to be over 100 for three days again this week. If we aren’t pivoting from COVID,…

We Only Make This Wine ONCE a Decade!

We Only Make This Wine ONCE a Decade!

Dear Friends, I hope this finds you safe, happy, healthy and hopefully seeing the first signs of Spring! Today is a special day. It is my brother’s birthday! My brother, Jimi, our founder, would have turned 55 years old today. And while it is bittersweet in obvious ways, it always reminds me that he lived…

Auto Draft

You Are a Shining Star

Dear Friends, I hope you have had a wonderful, safe week. Hopefully you are taking a pause and enjoying Labor Day weekend. This weekend, for the last 16 years, has always been emotional. Our founder, my brother Jimi, passed away on September 4, 2004, the Saturday of the long weekend. You can find my recollection…


Dear Friends, I hope this finds you all healthy and safe. Looking back at last week when I wrote my email, I was still feeling like the rug had been pulled out from under me. My focus was narrow and it was on the business and our team. A week has gone by and I…

Spring and Aha Moments

Spring and Aha Moments

Dear Friends, Happy Spring! It was gray skies that drizzled rain most of this week where I am in California. Yesterday, it felt wonderful to get outside for a hike at one of my favorite places. The week’s weather was evident from the slippery paths but more so from all the brand new, bright green…

Of Pressing Importance

Of Pressing Importance

Dear Friends, I hope you have had an excellent week. Thank you to all for the birthday wishes. I spent the day eating out for lunch and dinner with my husband and daughter. During COVID, I cannot remember the last time I ate two meals out in one day. It was nice to spend that…