
Of Pressing Importance

Of Pressing Importance

Dear Friends, I hope you have had an excellent week. Thank you to all for the birthday wishes. I spent the day eating out for lunch and dinner with my husband and daughter. During COVID, I cannot remember the last time I ate two meals out in one day. It was nice to spend that…

He Was Going to Work Harvest with Jimi...

He Was Going to Work Harvest with Jimi…

Dear Friends, Happy Memorial Day weekend! I hope it is relaxing and the weather, wherever you are, is feeling like summer. It is a beautiful weekend here in Oregon. It is also a very busy weekend. Historically, Memorial Day weekend is one of the busiest wine tasting weekends in the Willamette Valley. Last year, it…

Friends in

Friends in “High” Places

Dear Friends, I am officially on vacation for the first time since COVID. With Sicily being postponed for 2 years in a row (mark your calendars for October 2022), we decided to still use the vacation days but stay a little closer to home. Our trip started in Long Beach to attend my son’s graduation.…

A Silver Lining

Dear Friends, As we navigate through this current time, hopefully we are finding silver linings. They help to bring us hope and to find good during difficult times. Hopefully you are already finding some.  I know i am! For those of you that don’t know Pascal, I want to introduce you to a silver lining from…

The Holidays Are Here

The Holidays Are Here

Dear Friends, I hope this finds you all healthy, safe, and enjoying the holiday season. I love this point in the holidays. We are almost out of time to shop for anything that needs to be shipped. My menu for the week is done as well as the grocery list. One more trip to the…

Birthdays, Honors and Escapes

Birthdays, Honors and Escapes

Dear Friends, Good morning from Cambria, CA. January 17th is a special day for our family. My husband, David, and my son, Ryan, share the same birthday! They will be surprised when they get up to see that the Streamer Fairy, who puts streamers on the door of the bedroom, has found her way to…

Auto Draft

A Life Lesson Turned Tradition

Dear Friends, I hope this finds you safe, healthy and hopeful! For the past 15 years, this Sunday, the Sunday of the International Pinot Noir Celebration, would find me and hundreds of others exhausted after the 3 day celebration. Exhausted, in a good way. It is a true celebration of the love of Pinot Noir,…

Vineyard photo

Action You’ve Taken to Be Proud of in 2020

Dear Friends, I hope this finds you enjoying a wonderful Sunday! I returned to Long Beach this weekend to see my son. The reason for my visit was to bring him his cat. He wanted to wait a month until he was settled in his routine with school. This week he called and said he…

Auto Draft

💪 Superman and Wonder Dog 🐾

Dear Friends, Happy August! How can that be?? Regardless, I hope this finds you safe, healthy and hopeful! This week marked a milestone in our cellar…the last bottling of the year! While the work in the cellar never stops, COVID did throw it’s own wrench into our plans. At the beginning of 2020, we had…

Thank You for Rising to the Occasion

Thank You for Rising to the Occasion

Dear Friends, I hope that you are enjoying the holiday season. We sure are. It was so nice to have my son home. It was great for all of us and fun to see him and his sister enjoying each other’s company. He left at 5 am this morning to return to school tomorrow. Last…

Gifts for Good

Gifts for Good

Dear Friends, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I am so grateful for all of you, my team, my family, and all the gifts I have in this life. My son and his cat have returned home for the rest of the year so our gang is all back together and it feels great.…