
Things To Celebrate

Things To Celebrate

Dear Friends, I hope this finds you all well, safe and happy. With all the challenges in 2020, I want to focus on celebrating today. So let’s start with celebrating the rain we had in Oregon last week. It is helpful to the firefighters. Our hearts continue to go out to everyone affected by the…

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East Facing and New Tastings

East Facing and New Tastings

Dear Friends, I hope this finds you all well, safe and happy. Our hearts continue to go out to everyone affected by the fires and to the hardworking firefighters trying to get the wildfires contained in Oregon and across the west coast. It was another challenging week in the Willamette Valley under very hazardous air…

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Auto Draft

You Are a Shining Star

Dear Friends, I hope you have had a wonderful, safe week. Hopefully you are taking a pause and enjoying Labor Day weekend. This weekend, for the last 16 years, has always been emotional. Our founder, my brother Jimi, passed away on September 4, 2004, the Saturday of the long weekend. You can find my recollection…

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Auto Draft

Let’s Go Beyond Brooks!

Dear Friends, I hope you have had a wonderful, safe week. And to all of you near fires and hurricanes, I hope you are safe. 2020 is unbelievable. I returned back to California from Oregon. It was a 10 hour drive. It was heartbreaking to drive through the smoke and see all the fire damage…

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Mt Hood in Willamette Valley peaks out from the clouds and beckons athletes from near and far to hike up and ski down.

A Magical Time of Year

Dear Friends, I sure hope this finds you healthy and well! On Thursday night we had some rain which is very rare in August in Oregon. The skies were beautiful. I captured the photo above as the sun was setting but lit up Mt Hood between two sets of clouds. You are looking east across…

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